Investment Basics: How to Start Investing in 2023

Hand drawn "Investing 101" on a paper.

Welcome to the world of investing! If you’re new to finance and looking to learn about the basics of investing, you’ve come to the right place. Investing may seem scary at first, but with the right knowledge and guidance, you can start your investment journey. We’re going to cover the fundamental concepts of investing and provide valuable advice on how to get started.

What is Investing?

Investing is the act of putting your money to work to achieve financial goals. Instead of letting your savings sit idle, investing allows your money to grow over time. The goal is to earn a return on your investment, so your money grows faster than inflation, helping you build wealth and secure your financial future. One way you can invest is by copying professional investors – you can find several portfolios to research and copy on Echo Trade. Check out one leading portfolio here by Sparrow Capital Management. 

The Best Starter Investments

As a beginner, it’s essential to focus on low-risk, easy-to-understand investment basics. Here are some excellent starter options:

Stocks: Buying shares of a company means you own a piece of that company. Stocks offer potential for growth, but they can be volatile, so it’s crucial to research companies before investing.

Bonds: Bonds are loans to companies or governments, and they pay interest over time. Bonds are generally considered safer than stocks, making them a stable choice for beginners.

Mutual Funds: Mutual funds pool money from many investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. They’re managed by professionals, making them a simple way to get started.

Learning Stocks for Beginners

When learning about stocks, focus on understanding a few key terms:

Stock Price: The current cost of one share of a company’s stock.

Stock Symbol: The unique abbreviation used to identify a stock. For example, Apple Inc. is AAPL.

Dividends: Payments made by some companies to shareholders from their profits.

Smart Investing for Beginners

Here are some essential terms – your investment basics for success:

Start Early: The sooner you start investing, the more time your money has to grow.

Diversify: Spread your investments across different assets to reduce risk.

Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about the financial markets and investment options.

Avoid Emotional Decisions: Stick to your investment plan and avoid making decisions based on fear or excitement.

Where to Begin

If you’re wondering how to start investing, follow these simple steps:

Build an Emergency Fund: Before investing, ensure you have enough savings to cover unexpected expenses.

Pay off High-Interest Debts: If you have debts with high-interest rates, prioritize paying them off before investing.

Open an Investment Account: Choose a brokerage firm or investment platform to open an account and start investing. Echo Trade works with Tradier, and makes one-click copy trading possible when you open a trading account. 

Set Financial Goals: Determine your financial objectives and time horizon for investing.


Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming an investor! Remember, investing is a journey, and it’s normal to encounter ups and downs. Stay patient, remain informed, and stick to your plan. With smart investing for beginners, you’re on your way to building a better financial future. Start investing today and watch your money grow!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Before we send you off into the world of investing, let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about investing:

  • How much do I need to start investing?

You don’t need a lot to begin investing. Start with what you can afford, even small amounts like $50 or $100. The key is to begin early and be consistent. Regular investing allows your money to grow over time through compounding. So, look at your budget, set aside some funds, and start investing now. Even small steps can lead to significant financial growth in the long run.

  • What is the smartest way to start investing?

Start investing smartly as a beginner: Learn the investment basics, set clear goals, start small, diversify, and invest regularly. Be patient and think long-term. Seek professional advice if needed and adjust your portfolio when required. With these steps, you can confidently work towards financial success.

  • What are the 3 basic rules of investing?

-Start by learning the fundamentals of investing, including how the stock market works and different types of investments available.

-Set clear financial goals for yourself, such as saving for retirement or buying a home, and create a plan to achieve them.

-Diversify your investments by spreading your money across different assets, like stocks and bonds, to reduce risk and increase potential returns over time. By following these rules, you can begin your investing journey with confidence and work towards a more secure financial future.


