Asset Allocation: How to Beat the Markets

Spreadsheet with varying investment numbers.
What is Asset Allocation?

Asset allocation is like dividing your money into different buckets. Each bucket is for a different type of investment. Usually, there are three types of investments or “buckets”: stocks (company shares), bonds (loans to companies or governments), and cash or similar things. The idea is to spread your money across these buckets to balance your chances of gaining or losing money. How much you put in each bucket depends on what you want to achieve, how much risk you’re okay with, and how long you’re investing for. Did you know that you can actually see how wealth managers invest their own capital? All Echo Trade strategies are devised and personally funded by wealth managers – so you know they literally put their money where the mouth is. 

Why Do You Need Asset Allocation?
  1. It Helps You Manage Your Money. Think of it like a guide for your money, telling it where to go and what to do. It’s like having a map for a treasure hunt.
  2. It Can Stop You From Losing Money: Imagine you have eggs in different baskets. If one basket falls, not all eggs will break. Similarly, if one type of investment isn’t doing well, others might be okay.
  3. It Keeps Your Money Safe: Some types of investments, like lending money to the government (called bonds), are safer and don’t lose value easily. Putting some money in these can keep your money safe.
What Do These Terms Mean?

In the world of finance and investing, there’s a lot of terminology that’s used. A lot of it can be hard to define on your own and keep track of. Here’s a couple key terms used in this context and what it is that they mean:

  • Portfolio Percentage Allocation

This is how much of your money you’re putting into different things. For example, you might put 50% in stocks, 30% in bonds, and 20% in cash.

  • Portfolio Management System

A portfolio management system is like a personal helper for your investments. It keeps track of them and helps you manage them effectively.

  • Asset Allocation Software

Asset allocation software is like a computer program that helps you manage your investments. It helps you decide how much money to put in stocks, bonds, cash, or real estate, making it easier for beginners to start investing.

How to Start Investing
  1. Know Your Goals: Knowing your investment goals is like having a roadmap for your money. It’s about figuring out what you want to achieve with your investments. For example, you might want to save for a house, plan for retirement, or just grow your money over time. These goals guide how and where you invest your money.
  2. Know Your Comfort Zone: Knowing your comfort zone means understanding how much risk you can handle with your investments. It’s like deciding how high you’re willing to climb on a tree – some people might be okay climbing really high while others prefer staying closer to the ground. In investing, some might be okay taking big risks for bigger returns, while others might prefer safer options that grow slowly but surely.
  3. Choose the Right Investments: Choosing the right investments is like picking the right tools for a job. It depends on what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to grow your money fast, you might choose stocks. But if you want to keep your money safe, you might choose bonds or cash. It can be hard to choose the right investments – but Echo Trade makes it easier by providing you ready-made portfolios created by registered investment advisors.
  4. Use Tools to Help You: A portfolio analysis tool can help you understand how well your investments are doing. This software will allow you to track your performance, compare it to relevant benchmarks, and adjust your strategy if necessary.
How to Manage Your Investments

There are different ways to manage your investments. 

  • Strategic Asset Allocation: This is a strategy where you set and maintain a long term structure of your portfolio that best meets your risk tolerance and investment objectives.
  • Tactical Asset Allocation: This is a more active strategy that tries to position a portfolio into those assets, sectors, or individual stocks that show the most potential for perceived gains.
  • Dynamic Asset Allocation: This is a portfolio strategy that involves frequently adjusting the mix of assets as markets rise and fall, and as the economy strengthens and weakens.



As a beginner, the world of financial investment might seem overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can start to invest money effectively. Asset allocation is an essential part of investment portfolio analysis and management. Remember, the goal isn’t to get rich quick but to build wealth over time. The best assets for your portfolio depend on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. With smart investments and a solid strategy, you can create a strong, diversified portfolio that will serve you well in the years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is good asset allocation?

Good asset allocation is like splitting your money into different jars. Each jar is a different type of investment: stocks (owning a small part of a company), bonds (lending money and getting paid back with a bit extra), and cash. The best way to manage your money is to have it in different jars. This way, if one jar isn’t doing well, the others might be doing fine. And that’s the start of smart investing for beginners: having your money in different jars that work best for you and what you want to achieve. This helps you begin to build your own collection of investments, known as a portfolio.

  • What is an example of asset allocation?

Asset allocation is like splitting your money into different piggy banks. For example, you might put half of your money in a “stocks” piggy bank (buying parts of companies), some in a “bonds” piggy bank (lending money and getting paid back with extra), and some in a “cash” piggy bank (money kept safe). This way, your money is spread out. It’s like starting your own money collection, which is a good first step for anyone new to investing.

  • What are the 4 types of asset allocation?

There are four main places where you can put your money when you’re investing.

  1. Stocks: This is like buying small parts of different companies.
  2. Bonds: This is like lending money and getting back a bit more.
  3. Cash: This is money you keep safe, usually in a bank.
  4. Real Estate: This is when you buy things like houses or land.

Putting your money in these different places can help it grow, and it’s a good first step if you’re new to investing.

